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Based on the findings of the European transport R&D project INDRIS (Inland Navigation Demonstrator for River Information Services) and the German project ARGO in 2001, both the Danube and the Rhine Commissions adopted an Inland Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) standard for Inland Electronic Navigational Chart (IENC) data and system requirements for the Rhine and the Danube Rivers. In 2001, the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) adopted the Inland ECDIS Standard as a recommendation for the European inland waterway system. The Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) followed in 2002. In 2003 the European R&D-project COMPRIS (Consortium Operational Management Platform River Information Services) organized a North American - European Inland ENC Workshop. One key objective was to discuss the benefits of harmonizing Inland ENC data standards between Europe and North America. The Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG) was formed in 2003 to facilitate the development of international standards for Inland ENC data.
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